Record's compliance to COVID-19 regulations
As COVID-19 continues to spread geographically we have taken the following precautionary measures to mitigate the spread and impact of the disease on our personnel and operations:
- Continuous monitoring of the South African Department of Health and all other relevant organisations to remain updated on the risk profile and provide updates to our employees;
- Adherence to all government and client related protocols and monitor various other communication and recommendations including those of the Minerals Council.
- Travel restrictions both international and domestic;
- Insisting on social distancing;
- Keeping all large meetings virtual (Zoom, Skype);
- Reducing the size of various forms of meetings, including toolbox talks;
- Updated our visitor protocol. This includes discouraging non-essential meetings and visitors, as well as limited face to face meetings, as far as is reasonably practical;
- Endorsed strict hygiene controls which have been rolled out across our operations and provided soap and hand sanitisers in working areas;
- Developed alternative work-plans, including such for essential and operational staff members;
- Offered employees the flexibility to work from home where possible;
- Suspended the use of our biometric system;
- Implemented protocol for personnel to report symptoms and possible contact with affected persons to enable early isolation;